Create a happy workplace with honest employee feedback

Get a comprehensive, turn-key solution to measure and improve employee satisfaction. Rely on our employee research firm to write, program, and send an employee survey in less than 48 hours.


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No set-up required
Sit back and relax. Our employee experience experts manage the survey design, programming, and fieldwork.

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Ask the right questions
We send your employees professionally-written questions that drive real organizational change.

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Offer 100% confidentiality
Using a third party gives employees the confidence to share their opinions honestly, leading to more accurate data.

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See higher response rates
Each survey package includes best practice survey invitation language and automatic reminders to non-responders.

Measuring Employee Engagement Made Simple

We know you have a never-ending to-do list. Delegate the entire employee survey project to Drive Research. Our turn-key employee satisfaction survey packages require little to no set-up or management time, so you can remain focused on your other day-to-day responsibilities.

What is your perception of Company ABC Select one. (2)
  • Step #1: Complete the sign-up form here.
  • Step #2: We contact you to collect payment and employee contact information (name and email address).
  • Step #3: Drive Research sends employees an email invitation to complete a 46-question survey within two business days of receiving payment.
  • Step #4: You receive access to an online portal that provides live, up-to-the-second results.
  • Step #5: The survey link remains active for at least two weeks. Drive Research sends reminder emails to non-responders during this time.
  • Step #6: Fieldwork is closed, and you are fully equipped with the actionable data needed to improve employee retention and engagement.

How the Drive Research Model is Different

Drive Research has conducted employee surveys across every sector – finance, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, education, and more. Through our combined decades of experience, we have designed the perfect turn-key solution that resonates with all types of organizations. We are more than just another HR or survey tool.

Professionally written employee survey questions to yield accurate results

Other employee engagement survey providers ask users to write their own questions. In doing so, many fail to ask the right questions that can accurately pinpoint priority areas to maintain and improve. Topics covered in our pre-written survey include likelihood to recommend as a place to work (eNPS), comparison to past employers, work engagement, relationship management, and more.

I enjoy working with my manager
I enjoy working with my manager (1)

No programming background needed

Survey programming is no easy feat. And when done incorrectly, it makes your data useless. That’s why we’ve eliminated that step for our clients. When signing on for an employee experience survey with Drive Research, you’ll receive a pre-programmed questionnaire from our experts who have extensive backgrounds in coding complex question types that make you look good.

Survey employees with complete confidentiality

Trust between employees and leadership is not universal. Receiving a true picture of employee perceptions hinges on the willingness to share their opinions freely and the confidence that their responses are 100% anonymous. Using employee surveys organizations like Drive Research mean offering your team full confidentiality procedures and an unbiased third party to deliver the results.
I enjoy working with my manager (2)
I enjoy working with my manager (3)

Higher response rates

Each package includes Drive Research sending your employees an email with best-practice language, inviting them to complete the survey. Additionally, we will send reminder emails to team members who have not completed the survey (rather than a blanket email to the entire staff). This email cadence, combined with the third party confidentiality, results in higher response rates than if sent through other DIY survey platforms.

Compare Drive Research with DIY Employee Survey Platforms

A cost-effective approach to employee surveys, without the do-it-yourself hassle.

  Drive Research DIY Employee Survey Tools
Pre-written survey questions by research professionals -
Manages anonymous third-party survey invitations  -
Best practice survey programming -
Unlimited survey responses -
Dedicated project manager -
One time project fee, no subscription required -
Automatic survey reminders to non-responders
Live reporting link


Topics Our Voice of Employee Survey Covers

Our survey covers essential topics that drive employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. From career development to compensation, and from fostering strong relationships to promoting a positive work environment, our survey addresses it all. 
  • Career development (i.e., growth, development, training, opportunities)
  • Work engagement (i.e., excitement, adapting to change, initiative)
  • Relationship management (i.e., good leaders, trust, working relationships)
  • Benefits (i.e., healthcare, retirement, paid leave, flexibility)
  • Compensation (i.e., fair pay in comparison to market)
  • Work environment (i.e., job security, social responsibility, diversity, culture)

Our Pricing

Enhance your workplace with the right survey package.

Key Features 
Best for small businesses
  Get Started  
Best for fast-growing companies
  Get Started  
Best for multi-location companies
  Get Started  
Survey invites to employees sent by Drive Research
Up to 100 employees
Up to 500 employees
500 employees or more
46-professionally written survey template (no customization)
 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Survey programming
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Automatic survey reminders to non-responders
Up to 1
Up to 2
Up to 3
Dedicated project manager
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Report with question-by-question results
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Report by segments (i.e. tenure, location, department)
Up to 3 segments
Up to 6 segments
Passcode-protected live reporting link
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Additional questions at $250
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Additional reports by segment/filter at $200
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Drive Research also offers end-to-end project management for organizations interested in conducting a fully customized study. A custom project with our team includes kick-off and debrief meetings, a unique survey design, a dedicated research consultant team, benchmarking data, and more.

Contact our team for custom pricing ➡️


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